PHONE 620-675-2297 (1-800-894-2297)
PO BOX 340 – SUBLETTE, KANSAS 67877-0340
Kacey McCallion - GRAIN MERCHANDISER kacey@sublettecoop.com
Lysa Schield - Grain Accountant lysa@sublettecoop.com
Emily Aragon - Grain Accountant emily@sublettecoop.com
Common Items (abreviations) Defined
CIF - Cost, Insurance, Freight LDP - Loan Deficiency Payment USDA - United States Department of Agriculture WASDE - World Agricultural Supply Demand Estimates - also called the Supply-Demand (S&D) Report YoY - Year over Year MYTD - Marketing Year to Date PNW - Pacific Northwest GASC - Egypt's state grain buyer General Authority For Supply Commodities